b'to our STAKEholdersWe are confident that we can achieve our growthambitions while also delivering strong ethicaland financial outcomes for our stakeholders. potential to follow with a downstream nickelmaximise our positive contribution to climate sulphate operation as Phase 2 once marketresilience.conditions allow.Consultation and engagement with our This approach is expected to deliver alocal stakeholders remains a key focus for significantly lower capital cost for the JNPCentaurus, with regular communication development and deliver a simple, fundableaimed at delivering assistance to areas where project, with reduced overall projectit is most meaningful to local residents. execution risk. It also provides Centaurus withProject information meetings continued to be full optionality to pursue the development of aheld in local towns and villages throughout downstream refinery in the future. the year to present updates on both the JNP Message from the At all times, our evolving developmentand JIOP and receive feedback on community Managing Directorpathway for the JNP has remained firmlyexpectations and concerns.Improvements focused on delivering a Project with class- to local infrastructure and the provision of leading ESG credentials, including very loweducation and employment opportunities Dear Stakeholders, levels of greenhouse gas emissions. remain a core focus for the Company so that It is with great pleasure that I sharewe can continue to deliver the best outcomes with you Centaurus Metals secondWe are committed to building sustainabilityfor all our stakeholders.annual Sustainability Report, reflectinginto our final mine and process plant designs,Despite the ongoing volatility in the nickel our continued commitment to strongkeeping carbon emissions and raw water usemarket, the Jaguar Project remains a Tier 1 Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG)as low as reasonably possible, and we areassetnow hosting Resources of nearly one principles and detailing how we integrateconfident that we can achieve our growthmillion tonnes of contained nickel metaland these principles in our exploration and Projectambitions while also delivering strong ethicalrepresents a vital source of low carbon nickel development activities in Brazil. and financial outcomes for our stakeholders.supply, particularly for the Western EV battery Throughout 2023, Centaurus workedDuring the year, we have published additionalindustry. We are working hard to deliver this to progress the Jaguar Nickel Projectgovernance policies and procedures toimportant project with the best possible ESG (JNP) Feasibility Study (FS), drilling andfurther embed sustainability values withincredentials to support its important role in exploration programs to further expandour overall business strategy. These include aachieving global decarbonisation.and upgrade the JNP Mineral Resourcenew Environment Policy, Occupational HealthIn closing, I would like to sincerely base, while also continuing baseline studies& Safety Policy, Community & Stakeholderacknowledge the outstanding efforts of our and environmental impact assessmentEngagement Policy, and a Climate Changeteam of employees and contractors and thank documentation for the Jambreiro Iron OrePolicy.These guiding documents will providethem for their relentless drive and enthusiasm Project (JIOP).We are matching our activestrong foundations upon which we can buildto ensure our sustainability goals are work programswith continual reviews ofsystems to continually improve our ESGachieved.Centaurus has great projects and a project economics and looking at ways toperformance, in line with our commitmentsgreat team, with a truly exciting future ahead.enhance our ESG performance. to Towards Sustainable Mining (TSM) and the Principles of Responsible Investment (PRI).In response to the dramatic shift in the nickelThese policies will also shape Centaurus market in recent monthswith new supplybusiness decisions and guide our employees from Indonesia driving a significant rebalanceand contractors to minimise our impact on the in supply-demand dynamicsCentaurusenvironment, protect the safety and wellbeing has reshaped the development path for theof our workforce, support and enrich theDarren Gordon JNP, with ongoing FS work now focused onsurrounding communities, share valueManaging Directoran initial concentrate-only project with thewith our local Brazilian stakeholders, and& Chief Executive Officer7'