b'WHAT WE DOTSM THE PROTOCOL EXPECTATIONS / HOW WE COMPLYBiodiversity Conservation Commit to manage biodiversity at their mine sites, using the mitigation hierarchy, Demonstrated senior management commitment to biodiversity conservation and the2023 Sustainability ReportManagement and ensure that employee responsibilities for biodiversity management are clearlymitigation hierarchy, with defined responsibilities for accountable employees. Employed Corporate Environment & defined.A plan or system for managing significant biodiversity aspects, with clear biodiversityCompliance Specialist and a site-based Identify significant biodiversity aspects and implement associated action plans asobjectives and plans to achieve these objectives. Environmental Managerpart of an effective biodiversity management system.Engagement with communities and stakeholders on biodiversity conservation managementBiodiversity included in environmental Publicly report on biodiversity activities and performance. programs and activities. inductions Public reporting of biodiversity performance and integration of this reporting in companyPublic meetings and community decision-making processes. consultation on results of biodiversity surveys Training for employees to build awareness of biodiversity conservation.Climate ChangeCommit to ambitious climate action in business strategy and decision-making.A corporate climate change strategy that is integrated into broader business planning and2023 Sustainability Report Manage climate change through comprehensive systems for energy efficiency,publicly reported. Commitment to set targets in the future to emissions reduction, and adaptation to physical impacts.Corporate governance structures to ensure that climate-related risks and opportunities arekeep emissions levels as low as practicallySet targets and report on a mines performance on climate action. being considered, managed, and reported. possible A comprehensive system to reduce energy use and greenhouse gas emissions. Website (www.centaurus.com.au) Management of physical climate impacts, including identifying and considering physical climate risks in decision-making and putting in place adaptation measures. Performance targets to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, with progress demonstrated towards these targets.Crisis ManagementPlan to manage a crisis and to communicate effectively with employees, authorities, A crisis management and communications plan endorsed by the CEO. 54 scenarios examined that could occur & Communications and the community during crisis response.Crisis management teams at both the corporate and local level, with clear roles andduring the exploration phasePlanningReview the plan on a regular basis to make sure that it responds to company needs,responsibilities. Risk assessments undertakenproperly reflects risks, and incorporates best practices.Regular review of notification and alert mechanisms and the crisis management andManagement procedures documented toTrain employees to manage a crisis through annual crisis simulation exercises. communications plan. prevent, respond and mitigate the crisis scenarios Annual simulation exercises to ensure adequate training and preparedness at both corporateTraining of the crisis management team and local levels members on extent and limits of their responsibilitiesIndigenous & Community Identify groups and individuals with an interest in decisions related to miningA demonstrated commitment to aim to obtain the Free, Prior and Informed Consent of2023 Sustainability ReportRelationships operationsfor example, Indigenous peoples, community members, employees. directly affected Indigenous peoples for new projects and expansions where impacts to rights2023 EIA-RIMA submission for JIOPSupport meaningful relationships with these groups and individuals, with a specificmay occur. Commitments and completion of focus on Indigenous peoples and communities, their rights and working with a viewA response to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canadas Call to Action 92 iii, whichcommunity consultation and stakeholder to obtaining their consent. calls for the corporate sector to provide education and skills-based training for managers andengagement processesWork with communities to mitigate potential negative impacts and to optimizestaff in areas such as Indigenous history and intercultural competency. Building strong and meaningful social benefits related to mining operations. Stronger commitments to collaborate with communities, including in the management ofrelationships with the community through Respond to feedback and concerns raised by communities. mining-related impacts and benefits and designing the processes through which they wish tolocal procurement and employmentengage on matters of interest.Implementation of leading engagement practices to build meaningful Relationships. 42'