b'EMPLOYEEATTRACTION& RETENTION We strongly encourage our employees to discuss any work-related issues with their direct supervisors at any time. This informal approach is complimented with a more formal annual employee/employer performance assessment and management program. This is a two-way conversation, where employees performance is evaluated each year by their direct supervisor, and employees can provide feedback and discuss any work-related matters in a confidential and constructive manner.These one-on-one meetings are considered by employees to be a valuable opportunity to give and receive direct feedback.During 2022, the Company rolled out performance-based bonus plans for all its employees, both in Brazil and in Australia and continued this practice through 2023.Depending on the position and hierarchical level of the employee, each person is offered one of three bonus plans available, with all plans designed to incentivise employees to achieve work-based milestones that stem from the Companys strategic objectives.Each employees performance is assessed annually against their relevant targets and new targets are also defined on an annual basis.The details of the bonus plan for the Brazil-based staff are discussed and agreed on by a committee created by employees, employer representatives and union representatives.As is required by Brazilian labour laws, the remuneration reviews and the bonus plans for Brazil-based staff must be approved by the relevant workers union that has jurisdiction over the regional area.The current collective bargaining agreements are valid until June 2024.Both unions (in Par and Minas Gerais states) continue to be pleased with the structure of the Companys collective bargaining agreements. Remuneration reviews for all staff are also undertaken on an annual basis.In Brazil, staff remuneration is adjusted every year at least according to inflation over the past 12 months.Centaurus is very proud of the extremely healthy, friendly, and very productive work environment and culture it has built over the years.28'