b'OUR GOVERNANCE Community & Stakeholder Engagement PolicyCentaurus operates within a regulatory environment that mandates the implementation of key corporate governance principles.These principles already address most of the issues likely to be reviewed by potential investors who may be a signatory to the Principles of Responsible Investment (PRI).The Australian Corporations Act includes aThe ASX Listing Rules also require listedAs a listed mining entity, Centaurus is required range of provisions which either directly orcompanies to comply with specific corporateto meet additional disclosure requirements in indirectly relate to corporate governancegovernance requirements for: relation to corporate reporting and to comply including: Disclosure of corporate governancewith industry codes which set minimum Statutory directors and officers duties; practices; standards for public reporting of exploration Sub-committee establishment andresults, resources, and reserves.Rules pertaining to the appointment,composition; In October 2023, we reviewed the Companys rotation and removal of independentWhistleblowing Policy in compliance with company auditors; Adoption of a securities dealing policy for companies directors and employees; Regulation N. 4.219/22 of the Brazilian Financial and annual reportingEstablishment of a whistle-blower policy; Ministry of Labour and Social Security, which requirements; regulates various points introduced by Law Director and senior executive remunerationContinuous and periodic reporting; and No. 14.457/22.Centaurus maintains an online reporting requirements, including the non- Notification of directors interests channelthat guarantees total confidentiality binding vote on the remuneration reportAustralian Stock Exchange-listed companiesand/or anonymity for reports, managed by an and the two-strikes rule; must prepare and publish a Corporateindependent third-party company specialised Governance Statement which outlines theirin providing this service. Continuous and specific periodic disclosuregovernance practices as compared to the ASX for public entities to ensure that tradingCorporate Governance Councils Corporate occurs on public markets that are fullyGovernance Principles and Recommendations. informed; and Centaurus current Corporate Governance Directors and members meetingStatement is published on its website and is procedures and rights. updated at least annually.34'