b'Financial support during 2022 included Centaurus funding the construction of a new bridge after the deterioration and closure of an important river crossing. In all, Centaurus infrastructure development contributions and community benefits in 2023 for the communities around the JNP totalled A$123k (R$408.2k)Our support at the JNP during 2023 continuedIn all, Centaurus infrastructure development COMMUNITYwith the donations of: contributions and community benefits in BENEFITS &2023 for the communities around the JNP Two vehicles, medical equipment and INFRASTRUCTUREconsumables to fight malaria and supporttotalled A$123k (R$408.2k), with an overall DEVELOPMENT the state health services in Tucum and Socontribution of A$1.19M (R$3.85M) over the Flix do Xingu. last four years. Centaurus remains committedTen recyclable waste bins at Ladeira to building strong communityVermelha, Minerasul, Tucum, Ourilndia do relationships with the Norte and So Flix do Xingu that collected closest towns and other 1.8t of recyclable waste during the year.regional centres.2,000L of diesel to the local So Flix do Xingu government for road maintenance.economic development and buildingOne water truck during the dry season for dust capability at the local level with viable suppression on roads at Minerasul village.and sustainable procurement and local3,650L of diesel to the Par State Military supply contracting opportunities; Police for their vehicles to increase police employ locally where possible; and presence within the region for better build systems for financial and in-kindsecurity and improved safety of allsupport for funding community initiativesresidents and businesses.and infrastructure programs. Centaurus is also heavily involved with local schools and institutions, and annual JAGUAR NICKEL PROJECT community events such as Childrens Days, Environmental Events and River Margin Clean-A tremendous amount of financial and in-kindup Days.We delivered topical awareness support has been provided by Centaurusprograms, donated seedlings and excess to its communities over the years from thefurniture, provided volunteer labour, and construction of new bridges, upgrading ofdonated water bottles and meals as part of local roads and water management culverts. these events.31'