b'WHAT IS TOWARDS SUSTAINABLE MINING?Towards Sustainable Mining (TSM) is an award-winning commitment toresponsible mining. The program was established in 2004 and its main objective is to enable mining companies to meet societys needs for minerals, metals and energy products in the most socially, economically and environmentally responsible way.MINING ISTHE FUTURERESPONSIBLECOMMUNITY ESSENTIAL NEEDS MINING MANAGEMENT ENGAGEMENTFrom the metals needed toMining is essential in ourIt is important that standardsToday, communities expect more power our transportation totransition to a low carbonbe in place to ensure that thefrom mining companies and the the materials required to makeeconomy, one that requiresprocess of mining is beingindustry expects much more of communication possible, it ismined minerals and metals to managed responsibly from itself.impossible to imagine a realitybe fully realised. start to finish.without it.HOW DOES TSM WORK? PERFORMANCE PROTOCOLSTSM provides a set of tools and indicators that driveCommunities & Peopleperformance and ensures that key mining risks are Indigenous and Community Relationshipsmanaged responsibly at participating mining andCrisis Management and Communications Planningmetallurgical facilities. To translate commitments into Safety and Healthaction on the ground, TSMs eight performance protocolsPreventing Child and Forced Labourfocus on three core areas: Communities and People,Environmental StewardshipEnvironmental Stewardship and Energy Efficiency.Tailings ManagementEach protocol is made up of a set of indicators that help mining Biodiversity Conservation Managementfacilities build, measure and publicly report on the quality of theirWater Stewardshipmanagement systems and their performance in key areas of mining activity. Energy EfficiencyOne of the key strengths of TSM is that mining companies areClimate Changemeasuring where the mining activity actually takes place - at thefacility level. The results provide local communities with ameaningful view of how a nearby mine is faring.41'