b'PERFORMANCE DATAGOVERNANCE& ECONOMICPERFORMANCE Governance 2023 2022Governance performance reported in Annual Report (AR) and Corporate Governance Statement (CGS)Selected key indicators of governance performance: Compliance with ASX Corporate Governance Council 100% 100%Principles and Recommendations Political donations (A$) nil nilIndustry association memberships (A$) 32,366 12,000Whistleblower complaints2 1Anti-bribery & anti-corruption incidentsnil nilEconomic Performance2023 2022Economic performance reported in AR Selected key indicator of economic performance: Profit/Loss per share (basic) (A cents)(8.95) (10.14)Economic Contributions 2023 2022Total operating costs (A$M) 43.5 43.4Total employment wages (A$M) 11.6 7.2Tax ContributionBrazil & Australia (A$M)2.3 2.2Community Investment2023 2022Infrastructure & Community investment in Brazil (A$M)0.12 0.3038'