b'In preparing this Sustainability Report, we reviewed our business activities from a sustainability perspective as well as considering resource industry trends that may affect Centaurus.Under the four strategic sustainability disciplines, the Company identified several material topics to be addressed in 2023.In line with accepted reporting principles, we believe we have adequately catered to stakeholder inclusiveness, and provided thorough and transparent sustainability context, materiality, and completeness of the information reported.The identified sub-topics under each of the four strategic sustainability disciplines for 2023 were:OurENVIRONMENTBaseline surveys and assessmentBiodiversityLand rehabilitationWater managementWaste management and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissionsOurPEOPLEWorkforce occupational health and safetyMental health and wellbeingDiversity and inclusionEmployee attraction and retentionOurCOMMUNITYCommunity relations and engagementCommunity benefits and infrastructure developmentCultural heritage assessmentLocal and youth employment OurGOVERNANCEBoard and Senior Management Team effectivenessBribery and corruptionTaxes and royaltiesPolitical lobbying and donationsBoard diversity and structure Remuneration15'