b'OUR ENVIRONMENTBASELINE SURVEYS& ASSESSMENTJAGUAR NICKEL PROJECT Terms of Reference defined by the State Environmental Agency of Minas Gerais Throughout the year various JNP baseline(Supram/MG), and in accordance with relevant environmental programs continued to beenvironmental legislation and guidelines.undertaken, including;An environmental risk assessment processthe surface and groundwater quantity was used to determine the likelihood and and quality monitoring programsconsequences of identified impacts, and arainfall measurement, and series of environmental actions, plans andsocial indicator monitoring.programs has been proposed to manage and mitigate these impacts to acceptable At the end of 2023 the Par Statelevels.In addition to Brazilian and state Environmental Agency (SEMAS/PA)environmental legislation, Centaurus also recommended the approval of the JNPaligns with our internal Company policies Preliminary License (LP) and the Stateand standards, and other non-statutory Environmental Committee (COEMA/PA)frameworks including the Equator Principles unanimously approved the LP. The approvaland the International Finance Corporations was based on the JNP environmental impact(IFC) Performance Standards to satisfactorily assessment (EIA/RIMA), which contained anaddress ESG requirements for the enormous amount of baseline data for thedevelopment of the JIOP.project collected in prior years.JAMBREIRO IRON ORE PROJECT BIODIVERSITY Centaurus environmental baseline surveys forBrazil is globally renowned for its great varia-JIOP commenced several years ago and weretion in ecosystems containing diverse animal, completed in 2023, with some environmentalplant and fungi populations.Home to 60% aspects being continuously monitored.Aof the Amazon Rainforest, which accounts for series of surveys and technical activities wereapproximately one-tenth of all species in the undertaken covering the physical, biotic, andworld, Brazil is considered to have the greatest socio-economic environments of the regionbiodiversity of any country on the planet.It and specifically for the area of the JIOP.Datahas the highest number of both terrestrial and results obtained build on previous studiesvertebrates and invertebrates of any country undertaken include aspects of: in the world, with the most known species ofFlora and vegetation biodiversity plants (55,000), freshwater fish (3,000) andFauna diversity and habitat mammals (689).It also ranks third on the listSurface and groundwater hydrology of countries with the most bird species (1,832) and quality and the second on the list of most reptile spe- Social baseline data cies (744).Centaurus used the baseline surveyJAGUAR NICKEL PROJECTinformation as well as preliminaryengineering designs and outcomes of studyThe Shannon index (H) is commonly used in work to prepare an Environmental Impactecology to represent diversity, which com-Study (EIA-RIMA), which was based on thebines the richness (variety) and abundance 16'