b'WASTE MANAGEMENT & GREENHOUSEGAS (GHG) EMISSIONSJAGUAR NICKEL PROJECT going to landfill.The waste generated at theScope 2 Emissions - Indirect GHG emissions Although Centaurus remained focusedJNP exploration site and at the offices, oncethat the facility or business unit has caused primarily on exploration during the reportingsegregated, is temporarily stored in separatethrough its consumption of energy in the period, we are very much on the front footbins before being collected for recycling andform of electricity, heat, cooling, or steam.looking at all opportunities to continuallyreuse by third party contractors. The only air emissions resulting from the improve our behaviours and environmentalWaste oil from vehicle maintenance andCompanys exploration activities is carbon performance, which includes adequatelyinstalled water:oil separators is collected byfrom diesel exhausts and power consumption.managing and mitigating our waste streamsa hazardous waste transport and disposalGiven the nature of the Companys current and emissions.Centaurus operates twocompany.The waste oil is transported andactivities, the amount of carbon emitted into exploration camps to accommodate thedisposed of offsite and is often used as a fuelthe atmosphere is insignificant, with total workers involved with our drilling activities. source.The organic waste is composted andScope 1 and Scope 2 emissions of only 1,476.3t The three main types of waste streamsused in the Cana camp plant nursery. of CO2 reported during the year from JNP.and effluents generated by the explorationThe two exploration camps also recentlyData for carbon sinks has not been included.activities and camps up to the end of 2023had wastewater treatment systems installedRegardless of its low carbon footprint, were: to treat sewage effluent.Wastewater fromCentaurus is very serious when it comes to 1|Hazardous waste (waste oils) the camps is treated in septic tanks whereclimate change and is very much focused on 2|Inert waste (largely non-biodegradable,anaerobic bacteria break down the solids,climate change risk management.With the non-flammable and not chemically reactive) resulting in clean water infiltrating into theJNP having the potential to become one of adjacent underground leach drains.Thethe worlds foremost nickel projects in terms 3|Putrescible waste (containing organicsurrounding water courses are monitoredof its carbon footprint, the significance this materials such as food and wood wastes,regularly and comply with the receiving waterimpact was reviewed again post the decision which readily biodegrade within a landfillstandard. to stage the development of JNP with the environment) initial development being focussed on the Regarding Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions,production of a nickel concentrate (see Case Centaurus tracks waste oils and inert wasteCentaurus adopts the following definitions to stream volumes and calculates the wastereport against: Study 1).The Company is also researching generation as a function of exploration metrestechnology options during the FEED stage drilled during the year.Hazardous and inertScope 1 Emissions - The total globalfor energy efficiency in the mine and process wastes generated this year totalled 6.7t anddirect emissions from sources ownedplant designs to keep future emissions as low 16.9t respectively. or controlled by the reporting facility oras possible and in line with global targets. business unity (Stationary combustion;We expect our carbon footprint to increase Of the inert waste stream, the CompanyMobile combustion; Process emissions; maintains the segregation of recyclableand Fugitive emissions) once the JNP is in production and measures wastes (plastic, paper, aluminium etc.) priorwill be considered in the next reporting period to disposal, thus saving volumes of wasteon how to manage these future emissions.20'