b'DIVERSITY EMPLOYEE& INCLUSIONThe Company recognises thetraining, promoting, upgrading, developing,DIVERSITY 7426V+benefits in having a diverseand retaining employees, with all employees subject to fair employment practices.We are workforce and an inclusiveproud to have a diverse workforce and see workplace, and we strivediversity as a means to innovation.TOTAL CTMto eliminate discrimination,In 2023, the Company will continue toMale 74% harassment, vilification, andprioritise diversity and inclusion in ourFemale 26% victimisation. recruitment and retention programs to The Company recognises the benefitsmaintain a diverse and skilled workforce andMANAGER 6436V+to provide a positive and enjoyable workplace in having a diverse workforce and anculture characterised by inclusive practices inclusive workplace, we strive to eliminateand behaviours for the benefit of all staff. discrimination, harassment, vilification,The Company has an effective whistle-blower and victimisation.Whilst always selectingpolicy to address cases of discrimination, the best suited candidate for a role, weharassment and bullying involving employees,Male 64% constantly aim to build a broad pool of high- contractors, and service providers.TheFemale 36% quality employees to work for us, identifyingpolicy is aimed at identifying such behaviour individuals that will contribute their ownand dealing with it in a confidential manner. PROFESSIONAL 7426+V+special expertise or previously acquiredDuring 2023, two whistleblower complaints technical knowledge to our business.Our(both internally received) were lodged, diverse workforce provides Centaurus withinvestigated, and treated in accordance local, state, national and internationalwith our Code of Conduct and Disciplinary exploration, mining, and project developmentmeasures procedure. expertise with a range of different butMale 74% complimentary cultural qualities andFemale 26% personal attributes.We consider this diversity improves overall employee retention andWe are aiming to improveOPERATIONAL 8218V+motivation by accessing different perspectives and identifying new ideas and ways of doingthe balance of gender business. across the various levels The Company also takes it obligationswithin the Company,seriously with respect to inclusion andwith the currentequal employment opportunity, especiallyMale 82% when decisions affecting employment andbalance for 2023 Female 18% career development are made.Diversityshown to the right.and inclusion criteria are included whenINTERN 100V0+recruiting, promoting, assigning work, Male 100% Female 0% TOTAL74 26 %%27'