b'SAFETYFATALITIES 2023 2022Number of fatal incidentsemployees0 0Number of fatal incidentscontractors0 0Total Recordable Injuries & Lost Time Injuries2023 2022Total Recordable Injury Frequency Rate (TRIFR) 15.95 9.20per 1 million hours worked Total Lost Time Injuries (LTI)0 1Total Lost Time Injuries Frequency Rate (LTIFR) 0.00 4.60per 1 million hours worked Total hours worked250,758 217,473OTHER SAFETY 2023 2022Fines and penaltiesnil nilPEOPLEDIVERSITY 2023 2022Diversity performance reported Selected key indicators of diversity performance: % women in entire workforce26 22% women in management36 33% women on the Board 17 17% Australian-based personnel16 8Employee & Contractor numbers2023 2022Employees (as of end of Reporting Period)123 144Personnel turnover in Brazil 2023 2022% employees 3.20 4.16Performance & development reviews2023 2022% employees receiving100 1001 Compliance, or satisfactory disclosure of alternative governance practices adopted in lieu of a recommendation, as prescribed under the ASX Corporate Governance Council Principles and Recommendations (4th edition) 39'