b'(number of occurrences) of the identifiedthe following flora endangered species werepossible to improve it.The summary table species.The maximum H value under thefound: Araticum (Annona dolabripetala),below indicates changes in biodiversity over Shannon Index is 5. The Shannon index for thegarapa (Apuleia leiocarpa), cedro (Cedrelatime.JNP flora diversity is currently 3.92fissilis), Jacarand cavina, jacarand daThe differences observed in the Shannon The Shannon index for fauna diversity at thebahia (Dalbergia nigra), Jacarandpaulistaindices are due to:JNP is as follows: (Machaerium villosum), brana (Melanoxylon brana), canelasassafrs (Ocotea odorfera), Fish: the study carried out in 2022/2023 Reptiles and amphibians Vinhtico-branco (Plathymenia reticulata) eused a greater variety of sampling between 0.89 and 2.47Pitombeira (Toulicia stans), besides the Iptechniques, as compared to the 2011/2012 Birdsbetween 2.7 and 4.3 amarelo (Handroanthus chrysotrichus), whichstudy. Small non-flying mammals is protected in the State of Minas Gerais.Amphibians and reptiles: the 2011/2012between 0.6 and 1.7 The footprint of the Jambreiro Project willstudy campaigns were carried out in AprilLarge mammalsbetween 1.6 and 2.7 cover an area that has the following vegetation(rain) and September (drought), while the Insectsbetween 1.9 and 3.0 covers: 2022/2023 study was carried out in January Fishbetween 0.7 and 2.5 (rain) and May (drought). This means the Human settled area4% 2022/2023 sampling was done in wetterJAMBREIRO IRON ORE PROJECTPlathymenia formations3% periods, which led to greater occurrence of Water bodies4% amphibians and reptiles.Flora and Vegetation BiodiversityInitial stage seasonal semideciduousforest1%Large mammals: in the study carried outThe JIOP, located in the Atlantic Rainforest Intermediate stage seasonal semideciduous in 2011/2012, 26 sample points were used,biome, in an area characterized by seasonalforest39% whereas in the 2022/2023 study, 31 samplesemideciduous forest.The regional flora Pasture6% points were used.is made of the following types: seasonal Eucalypt plantation43%semideciduous forest (at initial and Hydrobiological communitiesintermediate stages of regeneration),Fauna Diversity & Habitat (phytoplankton, zooplankton, and benthicplathymenia formations, pastures, eucalyptmacroinvertebrates): the sampling stationsplantations, flooded areas and human-settledThe Shannon index for the JIOP wasused in the 2011/2012 study were alllands. calculated for fauna based on the datadifferent to the ones used in 2022/2023, so itcollected in the local area of the JIOP, andis not possible to compare species diversity.The baselines flora studies identified 189the results will be used as the baseline for species.Within the area of flora survey,future plans to retain the integrity of the areas which is larger than the project footprint,biodiversity and seek opportunities where Survey Diversity SurveyDiversityFauna Group Period (H) Observations Period (H) ObservationsPhytoplankton 0.76 Endemic species: 0 1.77 Endemic species: 0Endangered species: 0 Endangered species: 0Zooplankton 1.28 Endemic species: 0 1.52 Endemic species: 0Endangered species: 0 Endangered species: 0Benthic macroinvertebrates 0.32 Endemic species: 0 1.54 Endemic species: 0Endangered species: 0 Endangered species: 0Fish 1.25 Endemic species: 0 0.31 Endemic species: 0Endangered species: 0 Endangered species: 0Insects 1.64 Endemic species: 0 1.18 Endemic species: 0Endangered species: 0 Endangered species: 02022/2023 2011/2012Amphibians & reptiles 2.33 Endemic species: 17 1.33 Endemic species: 2 Endangered species: 0 Endangered species: 0Birds 4.40 Endemic species: 32 4.57 Endemic species: 20Endangered species: 0 Endangered species: 1Small terrestrial mammals 1.95 Endemic species: 5 1.96 Endemic species: 1Endangered species: 0 Endangered species: 1Large mammals 2.06 Endemic species: 2 0.17 Endemic species: 1Endangered species: 5 Endangered species: 4Flying mammals 1.50 Endemic species: 0 - Endemic species: 0Endangered species: 0 Endangered species: 0Table 1: Summary of changes in fauna biodiversity over time in JIOP area17'