b'2023 KEYcontracts, engagement of consultants andwaste taken to the regional waste dumps services and purchase of equipment andwhile creating revenue streams for local SUSTAINABILITYsupplies.waste recycling businesses.The aim of INITIATIVES Funding road maintenance work and dustthe initiative is to eliminate six tonnes of suppression through donation of fuel to therecyclable waste from going to the local We undertook the local municipalities.dumps by the end of June 2024.In 2023, almost 1.5 tonnes of recyclable waste was following initiatives Donation of vehicles, equipment andcollected.during the reporting year: supplies to support the state health department in the municipalities where theExpansion of the site-based plant nursery Continued assessment of exploration andcompany operates. at the JNP to facilitate the revegetation project greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. of some previously cleared farmland.When in operation, JNP emissions areCentaurus offered nine free online trainingThe planned revegetation will allow new expected to be extremely low at 7.27 tonnesprograms to local residents during 2023. forest corridors to be established around of CO2/tonne of nickel equivalent, whichThese training programs provided generalthe site to assist with the movement, is lower than 94% of existing global nickelqualifications in safety, environment,protection and biodiversity of flora and production.information technology, logistics,fauna.The Company planted over 9,800 architectural drawing, personal finance,native species seedlings in 2023.Since About 83% of our current project employeesmechanical fundamentals, metrology, andthe start of the revegetation program in are local residents from the south-easternsustainability.Over 900 local residents haveJanuary 2022, 24.81 hectares of land have region of the State of Par.successfully completed the programs, withbeen revegetated with more than 11,600 More than 40% of our investmentmore than 2,000 certificates issued.seedlings of native species planted.expenditure relating to exploration andPartnership with the local municipalities development work at the JNP was awardedto prioritise reducing domestic waste.to local businesses through drillingThe initiative targets the reduction of 11Minerasul Childerns Day, So Flix do Xingu, Par, Brazil'