b'Towards Sustainable Mining Principles,Protocols & FrameworksThe Towards Sustainable Each protocol is made up of a set of indicatorsCentaurus sustainability disclosures comprise Mining (TSM) initiative allowsthat are designed to measure the qualityrelevant reports, announcements, and and comprehensiveness of facility-levelinformation locations:mining companies to turn management systems and are intended to 2023 Jambreiro Iron Ore Project EIA-RIMA high-level environmental andprovide the public with an overview of thesubmissionsocial commitments into actionindustrys performance in key environmental2023 Sustainability Reportand social areas.on the ground. 2023 Annual Report (incorporating the Several protocols are also accompanied byFinancial Report for the year ending 31 At the same time, it provides communitiesframework documents that describe in detailDecember 2023);with valuable information on how operationswhat member companies commit to for2023 Corporate Governance Statement; andare faring in important areas, such asthese areas.The following table lists the TSM community outreach, tailings managementProtocols and summarises the expectationsWebsite (www.centaurus.com.au)and biodiversity. of each.Centaurus has used this table to disclose how the Company has performed The TSM Guiding Principles are backed byon each of the Protocol requirements as an a suite of protocols that mining companiesindication to our sustainability and alignment measure and publicly report theirto the guiding Protocols.performance against in the annual TSM Progress Reports. 40'