b'recommendations of recognised ESGfor our ESG and sustainability practicesThe report is broadlyreporting frameworks.As Centaurusand performance.The Centaurus Boardstructured in THREE main parts:Metals second Sustainability Report,and Senior Management Team are there are no restatements of informationcommitted to continual improvement1|An introduction to Centaurus from our Managing or other changes in reporting.We haveof the Companys ESG and economicDirector and the approach we use for sustainability aimed to provide accurate data withinperformance outcomes, ensuring thatand reporting our performance.this report and plan to add a process offuture reports continue to align with2|This section, which details material ESG topics, data verification and assurance in futureglobal industry standard reportingimpacts and opportunities for our business, including Sustainability Reports.We also recogniseframeworks. management approaches and case studies.that the preparation and publication of this report is the first step in accounting3|The back end of the report, which summarises Centaurus 2023 performance data, future performance targets and a summary of the guiding STAKEHOLDER FEEDBACKcan be provided on the Contact Us pageprinciples of Towards Sustainable Mining and how we on our website www.centaurus.com.au/site/contact/contact-us are tracking against these with regards to reporting disclosure compliance.5'