b'OUR COMMUNITYEIA-RIMA was then presented to the audiencestakeholders on the JNP development COMMUNITY summarising the most relevant aspectsplans and seek feedback on any concerns RELATIONS of the project covering abiotic, biotic andfrom the community in relation to our & ENGAGEMENT social values and receptors, discussing theexploration activities and the proposed project positive and negative impacts, and the socialdevelopment.The overall response from JAGUAR NICKEL PROJECT and environmental programs proposed bystakeholders continues to remain very positive the Company to manage these impacts. and Centaurus has been encouraged to maintain In October 2023, the strong ties CentaurusThe Mayors of both So Flix do Xingu andthe level and frequency of consultation.created with the communities around JNPTucum expressed their positive view ofIn addition to these community engagement throughout the years paid dividends at theand support for the JNP, emphasising themeetings, 27 workshops were held in Tucum, public hearings required to be held under theimportance of the project to the economicOurilndia do Norte and So Flix do Xingu and Projects environmental approval process. development of the region through creation ofin the villages of Ladeira Vermelha and Minerasul The public hearings in the local communitiesjobs and payments of taxes and royalties.Theduring the year to update the community on were the last step in the approval of thecommunity participation during the hearingsenvironmental licensing of the JNP.environmental impact assessment (EIA/RIMA)was overwhelmingly in favour of the JNP and the issue of the Preliminary License (LP). which made a very positive impression on theCentaurus maintains its grievance process SEMAS representatives, who were confidentfor our exploration activities, which is based Two hearings were held: one in So Flix dothe potential impacts could be adequatelyon a forum for disclosing and resolving Xingu and one in Tucum.The meetingsmanaged and acknowledged the support ofany grievances as they arise.This process were very well attended in both towns andthe JNP by the local communities. continued during 2023 and will remain included local residents, public authoritiesavailable as the JNP develops.The Company and governmental officials, as well asThe indigenous territory of Xikrin do Catetalso created several Social Media channels representative from the State Environmentalis the closest to the proposed JNP, with itsthrough which individuals and community Agency (SEMAS).This demonstrated a strongboundary lying 16km east of the JNP.The JNPgroups can interact with the Company and interest from the local communities in the JNPdesign remains well outside the minimumexpress their views.Our Instagram account and provided the Company with information onlegislative buffer distance of 10 km andcontinues to post news and information about the communitys expectations from the Project. does not affect the Companys explorationthe JNP, and comments can be shared.The or planned future development activities. community has been invited to communicate Centaurus Brazil Country Manager startedThere are no Quilombola (former slaves) the public hearing by presenting the Companycommunities within the JNP project area. directly with Company on aspects of the and JNP to the audience and highlightedJNP through a dedicated WhatsApp phone the enormous opportunity JNP representsThe Company continued holding Communitynumber, which is used exclusively for this for the region, with its long mine-life, greenEngagement Meetings on a regular basispurpose.WhatsApp was selected as this is the credentials and potential for employmentthroughout the year to provide updates tomost widely and commonly used method of and contracting opportunities.The JNPlocal officials, the general public, and othercommunication in the region.29'