b'JAMBREIRO IRON ORE PROJECT Demographic GrowthThe JIOP demographics were examined35in 2023 as part of the EIA-RIMA process. 30The Project is located on the border of the municipality of So Joo Evangelista, state252of Minas Gerais.The regional centre for Inhabitants/km Percent %commerce and services is the neighbouring20town of Guanhes. The two municipalitys demographic growth from 1991 to 2022 is15shown in the Demographic Growth graph.10In 2020, Guanhes had a total economic output of R$794M and So Joo Evangelista5R$219M.This corresponds to a per capita0economic output of R$24,812 and R$14,313,1991 2000 2010 2022respectively.Guanhes So Joo EvangelistaThe Human Development Index (HDI) is a summary measure of average achievement inIlliteracy Ratekey dimensions of human development: a long30and healthy life, being knowledgeable and having a decent standard of living.The HDI is25the geometric mean of normalized indices for each of the three dimensions. 20Current data for the area indicates So Joo Evangelista had an HDI of 0.638 (medium),15being the result of education0.520, health0.806 and standard of living0.620.Guanhes10also had a medium HDI, although slightly higher (0.686), as a result of education0.576,5health0.820 and standard of living0.683.The decline in illiteracy rate of both0municipalities from 1991 to 2010 is shown in1991 2000 2010the Illiteracy rate graph. Guanhes So Joo Evangelista 30 30'