b'The Company tests theThe TRIFR for 2023 was up, however, fromPlans and Actions9.2 in 2022 to 15.9 (relating to four Restricted effectiveness of theseWork Injuries).The benchmark TRIFR for theOccurrences in Environment,training programs Western Australian exploration industry is 7.2. Health & Safety (EHS)Inspections and Auditsand safety initiatives Importantly, there were no fatalities or seriousBehavioural Approachby recording andinjuries across Centaurus activities during theReports and Deviationsreporting health andreporting period. Dangers and RisksAll injuries that require medical assistance, safety performanceeven those without lost time or restrictionLicenses and Conditionsacross the business. of work, are formally reported to BrazilianEnvironmental Monitoringregulators. Environmental Aspects and ImpactsBy doing so, we expect to see safetyAlthough the restricted work injuries wereDocument Managementperformance improvements year-on-yearall low severity, we recognise that our TRIFRSafe Behaviourswhere proactive (lead indicator) actionsperformance requires improvement in 2024. Best Practicestaken are having a positive effect on the lagThese improvements will start by workingThe software generates an ID card with a QR indicators though a reduction in the frequencyclosely with our dedicated OHS teams andcode for every employee and contractor on rate of hazards and incidents. our various contractors on health and safetysite, to enable verification of the status of The parameters used to measure performanceprograms and performance. each workers site access requirements.It are based on the number of incident/In 2023, Centaurus continued utilising thealso allows routine safety inspections and injuries per million hours worked on a rollingOHS management software, called SICLOPE -identified hazards to undertaken using a 12-month basis and include: Sistema Integrado de Controle de Operaesphone application, with reports being digitally LTIFRlost time injury frequency rate (which translated means Integrated Systemrecorded and immediate supervisors being RWIFRrestricted work injury frequencyof Control of Operations) which is structuredalerted of any serious findings.rate (where restricted work injurieswith operational modules in:encompass all injuries that do not causeLTI + RI FREQUENCY RATESlost time, but restrict the worker from performing their normal duties for any time15.9after the accident)TRIFRtotal reportable injury frequency rate (LTIFR + RWIFR)Given that comparative safety performance data for other exploration companies and mineral resource industries are not7.2published for Brazil, Centaurus compares our performance with latest data for the Western Australian exploration industry, as displayed in the graph below. 2.0The LTIFR for 2023 was reduced to 0.0, down0.0from 4.6 in 2022.The benchmark LTIFR for the Western Australian exploration industryLTIFR WA 2020-2021 LTIFR Exploration average* WA 2020-2021 RIFR Exploration average is 2.0 which is a great safety achievement for12-month LTIFR moving average 12-month RIFR moving averageCentaurus.First aid simulation training24'