b'OUR PEOPLEOur foremost priority and the ultimate measureof our success as a business is the safety of our workers and the communities wherewe operate.Through preventive management, our aim is to achieve zero harmacross all our operations and promote a safe culture of working.To achieve this goal, we have adopted thedesigned is preventionin effect, identifyingand fortnightly safety presentations, signed-following principles: and eliminating hazards and risks before theyoff by all participants.We ensure adequate Top management commitment tobecome potential incidents.Prior to workingstocks of personal protective equipment (PPE) occupational health and safety (OHS)with Centaurus, all prospective employeesare available, and our safety representatives are subject to pre-employment medicalcheck that PPE is being used where required principles; examinations by an occupational medicaland is fitted correctly.We also ensure our Promotion of a safe and healthy workdoctor.The medical examinations are job- workers understand their roles and that the environment for all, based on training andspecific to ensure workers are fit and clearedsafety risks of those roles are well-understood, preventive measures;for work for their chosen roles.Once a year,risks have been assessed, and additional Each worker is responsible for their safetyfitness for work examinations are repeatedtraining and/ or supervision is undertaken and must be committed to and comply withwith the occupational medical doctor toif necessary.Centaurus aims to continually the OHS Policy; monitor any changes in the employeesimprove safety culture and performance and physical ability and health with regards toexpects that the safety incentive program Workers are encouraged to proactivelyintroduced in 2020 will continue to produce manage OHS by being responsible for theirtheir job function.the desired behaviours.own safety and the safety of their co-workers;Once deemed fit for work and onboarded,Training activities undertaken over the Selection of suppliers and partners whoemployees and contractors are inducted in thereporting year include:share the same OHS principles; and four OHS programs aimed at keeping safety atSafety inductions for visitors going to JNP;Continuous improvement of thethe forefront of all work tasks undertaken: OHS introductory training on the first day organisations OHS procedures. OHS training program; for employees and contractors;OHS hazard elimination program; Quarterly training on safe work procedures WORKFORCE OHS performance measurement program;(SWP) for the eight safety risks that have the and; highest rate of incidents and accidents;OCCUPATIONALOHS incentive program. Quarterly first-aid training;HEALTH & SAFETY As part of these programs, CentaurusBiannual 4WD and defensive driving Our OHS programs are the tools we use toensures detailed safety procedures havetraining;manage occupational health and safetybeen developed and the safety reportingBiannual simulations of emergency to reach our zero accident target.Theframework is working.We document all oursituations and annual training for the foundation on which these programs weresafety meetings including daily safety talksemergency response team.22'