b'OUR APPROACH TO SUSTAINABILITYNickel has outstanding physical and chemical properties, which make it essential in many thousands of products, applications, and technologies.Today, its biggest use is in producing metalLate in 2021, the Company adopted a formalmanage and report community relations, alloys, with approximately 70% of global nickelESG policy framework.This framework isenvironmental sustainability, and the production currently used to manufacturebased on the recommendations and principleshealth and safety of our employees and stainless steel.More recently though, nickel isof two internationally recognised ESGthe community.A summary of the guiding seen as one of the key industrial metals that isauthorities: Principles of TSM, and how Centaurus is powering the clean energy revolution.Nickels Towards Sustainable Mining (TSM) Principles tracking against these, is presented at the end vital contribution to the production of lithium-Principles of Responsible Investment (PRI) of this Sustainability Report.ion (Li-ion) batteries is expected to deliverThe PRI defines responsible investment exceptional demand growth for the metal overThe TSM standard, developed by the Miningas a strategy and practice to incorporate the coming years and is a key element of theAssociation of Canada (MAC), is a globallyenvironmental, social and governance global transition to green energy. recognised sustainability program thatfactors in investment decisions and active Centaurus recognises the global concernsupports mining companies in managingownership.The PRI is a global organisation over climate change and is committed tokey environmental and social risks.Itthat encourages and supports the uptake the drive towards energy efficiency and theprovides a set of tools and indicators to driveof responsible investment practices within adoption of strict carbon emissions targetsperformance and ensure that key mining risksthe investment industry.It was created by by international governments.We activelyat any operation are managed responsibly. investor initiative in partnership with the promote the continued interest in renewableThe most important Mining Association inUnited Nations Environment Program energy technologies involving batteries andthe Brazilian mining industry, IBRAM, has(UNEP) Finance Initiative and the UN Global energy storage, with future nickel productionendorsed and promotes the TSM Principles. Compact.from the JNP set to make a significantFurther, the Agency for Development and contribution to battery technologies helpingInnovation of Brazils Mining Sector (ADIMB),Centaurus ESG program combines the to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.Enablingof which Centaurus is an active member,TSM and PRI principles to guide our actions clean energy solutions is central to Centaurusendorses the TSM Principles. throughout the exploration, development, efforts to tackle climate change. Adoption of the principles is voluntary, yetand operational phases of the Jaguar Projects the Company sees wide benefits in how weevolution. 12'