b'CULTURAL HERITAGEASSESSMENT JAGUAR NICKEL PROJECT JAMBREIRO IRON ORE PROJECT During the archaeological survey, a site called During the course of 2023, all ground- Centaurus recently completed anFbrica do Jambreiro was observed.Fbrica disturbing activities carried out around thearchaeological and natural heritage reportdo Jambreiro was the site of a former Jambreiro JNP site were monitored by an archaeologistof the JIOP area.The report was based on afactory where rudimentary iron ore was smelted so that any artifacts or relevant objectssurvey commissioned by Centaurus to support(see images below).Small artefacts were could be salvaged. No such occurrence wasthe EIA-RIMA process to identify any aspectsrecovered that corresponded to fragments of recorded.of archaeological and natural heritage thattiles and bricks, glass, smelting slag fragments could be impacted by the JIOP.The surveyand cast-iron plates.The site was duly recorded Three archaeological sites were identifiedinvolved extensive fieldwork of the potentialwith all the necessary preservation actions and along the proposed JNP 230kV power lineimpact areas with systematic scanning of thedocumentation compiled with assistance from route. These sites will be salvaged ahead ofground with the selective sample collectionthe National Institute of Historical and Artistic the start of the power line construction.methods.HeritageIPHAN.work, environmental education, informationaction through planning and pro-active LOCAL & YOUTH technology, logistics, architectural drawing,management of Contractors; EMPLOYMENT personal finance, mechanical fundamentals,Achieving optimal levels of workforce metrology, and ESGSustainable Industry. engagement, cooperation and productivity, JAGUAR NICKEL PROJECT Since the courses commenced, 3678 studentsincluding providing opportunities for local enrolled in the various courses and to datecommunity; andCentaurus community investment 2053 students have completed the programs.program is directed towards helping the localThe Capacita Jaguar Program is planned toEnsuring fair and responsible employment communities and residents build capacity conclude in 2024.conditions are applied by Contractors.through supporting education and pathways toIn partnership with a recognised Brazilian employment. training agency (SENAI), which is a Through this, Centaurus prioritises thegovernmental institution, Centaurus plans to establishment of a local workforce for thetrain up to 1,500 local residents to be employed upcoming construction of the JNP.Duringduring the construction of JNP. construction, the Project will generate aroundDuring the Construction phase, the Company 1,100 direct jobs over 20 months.Much of thiswill administer an Employee Relations Strategy workforce will be sourced locally utilising skillsthat commits to:and expertise from suppliers who will have the required experience, equipment, and skillsEngaging a Construction workforce that from recent mining project developmentsis safe, skilled and productive by applying within the Par State.appropriate standards of human resources management skill, care and diligence; Centaurus plans to train To support local employment through theProviding a safe and secure workplace;Construction Phase, the Company commencedup to 1,500 local residents the Capacita Jaguar Program in 2023,Managing interactions with trade unions andto be employed during the offering nine free online training programsexternal parties lawfully and professionally to minimise the risk of industrial disputes; construction of JNP. to local residents.These training programs provided general qualifications in safety atMinimising the risk of unlawful industrial'