b'CONSTRUCTION TRAINING PROGRAMSThe Company intends to train up to 1,500 people, with local resident applications prioritised, in various trades that will allow them to be able to seek employment once construction of the Jaguar Project commences. The training programs are intended to be conducted in conjunction with local industry training college (SENAI), with the training programs to commence in H1 2024.During the reporting period, the Company further advanced the enrolment process for construction training with over 1,900 applications to date having been received from the region.In conjunction with the planned construction programs, the Company commenced the Capacita Jaguar Program, offering nine free online training programs to local residents during the reporting period. These programs provided general qualifications in safety at work, environmental education, information technology, logistics, architectural drawing, personal finance, mechanical fundamentals, metrology, and ESGSustainable Industry. Since the courses commenced, 3678 students were enrolled in the various courses and to date 2053 students have completed the programs.PLANT NURSERYDuring the period, the Company planted over 5,000 native species seedlings (Figure 4) for the revegetation program of previously cleared farmland. The planned revegetation will allow new forestFigure 4: Planting at Jaguarcorridors to be established around the site to assist with the movement, protection and biodiversity of flora and fauna. Since the start of the program in January 2022, 24.81 hectares have been revegetated with more than 10,146 seedlings of native species planted.120010008002Tonnes of CO6004002000Jan23 Feb23 Mar23 Apr23 May23 Jun23 Jul23 Aug23 Sep23 Oct23 Nov23 Dec23 CO 2sequesteredCO 2emittedFigure 3: Jaguar Carbon FootprintNet Sequester1 TSM - Principles developed by the Mining Association of Canada and PRI - a global organisation that promotes responsible investment practices in the investment industry. 2 Refer ASX announcement 26 March 2024 for study by Skarn Associates.CENTAURUS METALS LIMITED ANNUAL REPORT 9'