b'CENTAURUS METALS ANNUAL REPORT 2023Additional Shareholder InformationThe shareholder information set out below RESTRICTED SECURITIESwas applicable as at 31 March 2024.There are currently no restricted securities or securities subject to voluntary escrow on issue.SUBSTANTIAL SHAREHOLDERSThe Company had the following substantial shareholders. ON-MARKET BUY BACKMcCusker Holdings Pty Ltd 12.1% There is no current on-market buy back.Sprott Asset Management7.9%Regal Funds Management Pty Ltd 6.6% DISTRIBUTION OF EQUITY SECURITIESLujeta Pty Ltd 6.2% The distribution of numbers of equity security holders by size of holding is shown in the tables below. There were 815 holders of less than a marketable parcel (being a minimum $500 parcel at $0.30 per CLASS OF SHARES AND VOTING RIGHTS share) of ordinary shares.There were 3,732 holders of ordinary shares in the Company as atDistribution of shareholding by sizethe above date. The voting rights attaching to the ordinary sharesNumber ofNumber of are that on a poll or a show of hands every member present inFromToShareholders % Shares %person or by proxy shall have one vote per ordinary share.1 1,000 615 16.48 265,655 0.05As at the above date the Company had the following unlisted options1,001 5,000 900 24.11 2,553,250 0.51over 7,049,775 ordinary shares. There are no voting rights attached to the unissued ordinary shares.Voting rights will attach to the5,001 10,000 600 16.08 4,544,483 0.92unissued ordinary shares when the options have been exercised.10,001 100,000 1,267 33.95 45,328,072 9.16100,001 and over 350 9.38 442,305,877 89.36NumberNumberExerciseExpirySubject to3,732 100.00 494,997,337 100.00of Holders of Options Price $ Date Vesting ConditionsDistribution of other equity securities 1 233,334 0.180 31/05/24 No FromToUnlistedUnlisted Options Options (ESIP)3 1,400,000 0.405 31/05/24 No 1 1,000 - -4 485,543 - 31/12/24 No 1,001 5,000 - -8 1,225,220 - 31/12/25 Yes 5,001 10,000 - -10,001 100,000 - -9 1,535,164 - 31/12/26 Yes 100,001 and over 3 97 2,170,514 - 31/12/27 Yes 3 926 ANNUAL REPORT CENTAURUS METALS LIMITED'