b'CENTAURUS METALS ANNUAL REPORT 2023Corporate DirectoryDIRECTORS BANKERSMr D M MurciaAM, B. Juris, LL.BAustraliaNon-Executive Chair National Australia Bank Mr D P GordonB.Bus, FCA, AGIA, ACG, MAICDLevel 14, 100 St Georges Tce Managing DirectorPerth WA 6000Mr B R ScarpelliM.Sc, PMPBrazil Executive Director Banco InterAvenida Barbacena, 1219Santo AgostinhoMr M D HancockB.Bus, CA, F FinBelo Horizonte - MGCEP: 30190-924 Non-Executive Director BRAZIL Mr C A BanasikB.App.Sc (Physics), M.Sc (Geology), Dip Ed, GAICDTelephone: +55 31 2101 7006 Non-Executive DirectorDr N StreltsovaMSc, PhD(Chem Eng), GAICDSTOCK EXCHANGE LISTING Non-Executive DirectorCentaurus Metals Limiteds shares are listed on the Australian Securities Exchange and quoted on the OTC COMPANY SECRETARYOrdinary fully paid sharesMr J W WestdorpB.Bus, CPA, Grad Dip App Sc, MAICD(ASX code: CTM)Chief Financial Officer / Company Secretary (OTCQX code: CTTZF)SHARE REGISTRY PRINCIPAL & REGISTERED OFFICEAutomic Group AustraliaLevel 5, 191 St Georges TerraceLevel 2, 1 Ord Street Perth WA 6000 West Perth WA 6005Telephone: 1300 288 664 (within Australia)PO Box 975 Telephone: +61 2 9698 5414 (outside Australia)West Perth WA 6872Website: www.automicgroup.com.au Telephone: (08) 6424 8420 Email: office@centaurus.com.au AUDITORS Website:www.centaurus.com.auKPMG BrazilChartered AccountantsEdifcio Century Tower 235 St Georges TerraceRua Maria Luiza Santiago, 200Perth WA6000Santa Lcia, 17 Andar - Sala 1703Belo Horizonte - MG - CEP: 30360-740 BRAZILTelephone:+55 31 3194 77502 ANNUAL REPORT CENTAURUS METALS LIMITED CENTAURUS METALS LIMITED ANNUAL REPORT 3'