b'CENTAURUS METALS ANNUAL REPORT 2023Financial Report31 December 2023Diluted Earnings per Share Potential ordinary shares were not considered to be dilutive as the Group made a loss for the year ended 31 December 2023 and the exercise of potential shares would not increase that loss. Note 13.Cash and Cash Equivalents 31 December31 December 20232022 $ $ Cash at bank and on hand418,727760,413 Deposits - short term34,255,12533,287,309 34,673,85234,047,722 The deposits are bearing floating and fixed interest rates between 4.40% & 5.05% in Australia and 11.75% & 12.34% in Brazil (2022: between 3.15% & 3.81% Australia and 12.39% & 12.92% Brazil). Note 14.Reconciliation of Cash Flows from Operating Activities 31 December31 December 20232022 $ $Loss for the period(40,740,002)(42,627,555) Adjustments for: Depreciation849,976537,137 Non-cash employee benefits expense share based payments1,107,7701,143,562 (Profit)/Loss on sale of mineral assets27,277- (Profit)/Loss on sale of plant and equipment-(10,769) Operating loss before changes in working capital and provisions(38,754,979)(40,957,625) Change in other receivables(762,065)(1,050,692) Change in trade creditors and provisions(1,097,059)2,035,437 Net cash used in operating activities(40,614,103)(39,972,880) Note 15.Other Receivables and Prepayments 31 December31 December 20232022 $ $ Current R&D tax refund1,304,766517,875 Other Receivables296,889228,463 Security deposits76,29376,293 Prepayments411,012506,707 2,088,9601,329,338 NonCurrent Other Receivables5,296,6933,570,292 Provision for impairment(5,296,693)(3,563,969) Security deposits46,22642,886 46,22649,209 Non-current Other Receivables include Brazilian federal VAT (PIS-Cofins) levied on the Groups purchases. Recoverability of PIS-Cofins assets is dependent upon the Group generating a federal company tax liability, which may be offset against the Groups PIS-Cofins assets if the Group elects to do so.The current practice of the Group is to impair PIS-Cofins assets given the pre-development status of the Jaguar Project. During the period the entity wrote off $52,005 which was previously provided for due to credits expiring (2022: $3,876). Animpairmentexpenseof$1,464,249wasrecognizedonindirecttaxesreceivablein2023(2022:$2,359,170). Information about the Groups exposure to credit and market risk and impairment losses for other receivables is included in Note 25. Page 41 of 54 ANNUAL REPORT CENTAURUS METALS LIMITED CENTAURUS METALS LIMITED ANNUAL REPORT 6968'