b'CENTAURUS METALS ANNUAL REPORT 2023CorporateCAPITAL RAISING This broad range of strategic interest highlights the unique market positioning of the Jaguar Nickel Sulphide deposit as one of the very The Company completed an institutional, corporate, andfew advanced stage, large-scale nickel sulphide projects globally, sophisticated investor placement in August 2023 which raised $46.9underpinned by its Mineral Resource which hosts nearly one million million before fees to underpin the continued de-risking, growth, andtonnes of contained nickel in an open pittable nickel sulphide deposit. development of its 100%-owned Jaguar Nickel Sulphide Project inFurthermore, the Projects expected low carbon footprint has northern Brazil.significant strategic appeal to the counterparties involved in the The funds were used for the ongoing Jaguar Feasibility Study andelectric vehicle (EV) battery supply chain, particularly in North the Jaguar Deeps drilling program. Funds are also earmarked forAmerica and Europe. While the growth in Indonesian nickel has been priority pre-development work streams and ongoing Feasibilitysignificant in the context of the global nickel market, many groups Study costs.have expressed strong interest in the Jaguar Project and the supply There was strong demand for the Placement from globalof a low carbon emission nickel sulphide products from the Project institutional, corporate, and sophisticated investors.given increasing concerns from end-users around the growing dependence on Indonesia for future nickel supply. Cash at the end of the year was $34.7 million. The partnering process continued over the reporting period with the finalisation of Jaguar Feasibility Study being an important step STRATEGIC PARTNERING PROCESS in formalising any partnering/funding outcome for the project.Centaurus is confident that the strategic partnering process will Following the close out of the Vale Offtake Rights in the Junedeliver an attractive package of funding for the Project based on the 2023, Centaurus has full control and optionality over the sale andstrong interest levels and engagement seen to date.marketing of Jaguars strategic, long-life, low-greenhouse gas emission nickel and with this Centaurus commenced a strategic partnering process in conjunction with Standard Chartered Bank,OPTIONS EXERCISEwith strong initial interest seen in the project and its potential nickelCentaurus Non-Executive Directors collectively invested a further products from a wide range of counterparties including Western and$569,800 and increased their equity positions in Centaurus following Asian strategic investors, global automakers, battery manufacturers,the exercise of options expiring 31 May 2023. chemical companies and financial investors.22 ANNUAL REPORT CENTAURUS METALS LIMITED'