b'CENTAURUS METALS ANNUAL REPORT 2023Environmental, Social & GovernanceCentaurus ESG program combines the TowardsOnce in operation, the Jaguar Project is expected to have GHG Sustainable Mining (TSM) and Principles ofemissions less than 85% of global nickel production.Responsible Investment (PRI) guidelines with At the end of December all rigs had been demobilized from the actions to be implemented during exploration Jaguar site. With the cessation of drilling activities, carbon emissions from the Project had greatly reduced. Consequently, the net carbon and operations. sequestered from the Project towards the end of the reporting During the reporting period, Centaurus published its inauguralperiod has increased as compared to the start of the reporting Sustainability Report for 2022, which outlined the Companys keyperiod when multiple rigs were active at the Project (Figure 3).sustainability initiatives and performance over the 2022 calendarThe current level of carbon sequestered from the Project is year and its goals for the years ahead. A Sustainability Report isexpected to continue into 2024 with no new drilling activities planned being prepared for 2023. for the foreseeable future.OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH & SAFETY LOCAL COMMUNITY SUPPORT PLANAt the end of the reporting period, the Company had worked moreDuring the reporting period, the 2023 annual plan for the works than 250,000 hours in the last 12 months and had achieved 15to be undertaken in partnership with the local municipalities was months without an LTI. The 12-month reportable injury frequencydefined to prioritise reducing domestic waste. In this regard, two rate at the end of the quarter was 15.95 and the 12-month severityrecyclable waste bins were set up in each of the townships of rate was 0.Tucum and Ourilndia do Norte whilst a recyclable waste facility was set up in the districts of Ladeira Vermelha and Minerasul.In total six recyclable waste facilities were set up in different towns in GHG EMISSIONS the region during the year. Since the program commenced in May Since January 2022, the Company has been monitoring Scope 22023, close to 2 tonnes of waste material has been recycled.greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and sinks associated with theThis initiative is intended to reduce the amount of waste taken to the Jaguar Project (Figure 3) The main carbon sink is the standingregional waste dumps, creating revenue streams for local waste forest on land acquired by the Company to support the Projectrecycling businesses, while hopefully eliminating six tonnes of Development. The main source of carbon from the Project has beenrecyclable waste from going to the local dumps by the end of June the combustion of diesel to run drill rigs. 2024.8 ANNUAL REPORT CENTAURUS METALS LIMITED'