Boi Novo Copper Gold Project

The Boi Novo Copper-Gold Project has been secured as part of Centaurus’ Horizon II Business Development and Growth Strategy, which is aimed at building a long-term growth pipeline in Brazil focused on strategic minerals.
The Boi Novo Copper-Gold Project covers 35km2 of highly prospective ground in the eastern Carajás Mineral Province – the world’s premier Iron-Oxide Copper-Gold (IOCG) address. The Carajás hosts the world’s largest known concentration of large-tonnage IOCG deposits, almost all of which are found in the Itacaiúnas Supergroup. The Boi Novo tenement package covers a 15km strike length of this highly prospective volcano-sedimentary sequence.
The project lies 30km from Parauapebas (population 250k), the regional centre of the Carajás Mineral Provence and the main base for personnel and service providers supporting Vale’s iron ore and base metal mines in the region, only 35km from Vale’s copper-gold concentrate load-out facility for the Salobo and Sossego mines, and less than 20km from BHP’s Antas Norte copper flotation plant.
The Boi Novo Project currently hosts a total of five Prospects. Four distinct Prospects are located within the Grão Pará sequence of metavolcanic and iron formations with +500pm copper-in-soil anomalies along 12km of discontinuous strike coincident with magnetic anomalies, being the Bufalo, Nelore, Zebu and Guzera Prospects.
Field mapping has identified the Presley Prospect, an east-west trending breccia zone that extends across 500m with intense magnetite and malachite alteration hosted within the Estrela Granite.
The May 2024 maiden drill program identified multiple high-grade copper-gold mineralised zones (Nelore West and Presley Prospects) along with additional potential large-tonnage lower grade zones (Nelore, Zebu and Guzera Prospects).
All prospects remain open along strike and down dip with multiple EM and IP targets still to be tested.