b'WHAT WE DOTSM THE PROTOCOL EXPECTATIONS / HOW WE COMPLYPrevention of ChildNo child under the age of 18 engages in work that could be dangerous and no child Avoid placing unreasonable restrictions on employees freedom of movement in relation to2022 Sustainability Report& Forced Labour under the age of 15 is employed at the mine site. the mine site. No hiring child labour in any CentaurusForced Labour is not used and, where there is a high risk of forced labour, processes Avoid retaining original copies of employee personal documentation, such as identity papers. operations or permitted in contractor are in place to monitor supply chains and relationships with recruitment agencies.Prohibit requiring any form of deposit or recruitment fee from employees either directly orcompaniesthrough recruitment agencies. All company workers remunerated in strict compliance with applicable labour laws,Avoid practices that prevent employees from terminating their employment after reasonableover and above minimum wagenotice or as permitted by law. HR processes in place for the provision of adequate working conditions and fairnessSafety & HealthEstablish clear accountability for safety and health management and performance, A safety and health management system that includes, among other measures, clear targets2022 Sustainability Reportclearly communicating safety and health commitments to employees andfor safety and health performance, with plans to achieve these targets. 2022 Annual Reportcontractors.A robust safety and health training program that includes an analysis of employee trainingHealth and safety programs established toPrevent incidents by identifying hazards, assessing risks, and putting in placeneeds and maintenance of training records, among other requirements. reach a zero harm targetappropriate measures and controls.Monitoring and reporting on safety and health, including annual assessments of theHazard identification and avoidanceTrain employees and contractors to identify hazards and prevent incidents, ensuringeffectiveness of the safety and health management system, among other measures. through OHS training, risk assessment that everyone understands that safety and health are a shared responsibility.A review by management of safety and health targets and performance, with this informationand elimination, safety performanceMonitor and report on safety and health performance. communicated to employees and contractors. management and incentive programs Set targets for continual improvement towards a goal of zero harm, with regular No fatalities take place at the mine site.assessments of performance against those targets.Tailings ManagementMake commitments related to tailings management that are approved and endorsed The Mining Association of Canada has developed a world-leading Tailings Guide on bestThe Integrated Waste Landform (IWL) for by senior leaders within the company. practices for safe and responsible tailings management. In the context of Towards Sustainablethe JNP is being designed to meet theImplement a tailings management system that reflects best-in-industry guidance toMining, good practice means that a companys tailings management systemeverything fromstrict requirements of national legislation manage tailings in a sustainable and environmentally responsible manner. emergency preparedness and response plans to clearly defined employee responsibilities (ANM Resolution No. 95/2022) and are aligned with the requirements of this guide. considers international standard criteriaDevelop plans in case of emergency, including plans to both prepare for and A second guidance document supports companies in developing site-specific manuals for theset out in the Global Industry Standard on respond to potential emergencies. operation, maintenance, and surveillance of each of their tailings facilities. When adhering toTailings Management (GISTM) Make an executive accountable for ensuring that an appropriate structure andTowards Sustainable Mining, mine sites are expected to develop and implement manuals that resources are in place for responsible tailings management. meet the requirements of this guide. Review annually to ensure the effectiveness of corporate governance and tailings management systems and structures. Manage risks and improve performance by designing and implementing a manual that defines clear roles, responsibilities, plans and procedures for tailings management.Water StewardshipCommit to water stewardship by making someone accountable for water A senior management commitment to water stewardship is communicated to employees and2022 Sustainability Reportstewardship and communicating this commitment to communities of interest. communities of interest. 2022 EIA-RIMA submission Implement a water management system that maintains a water balance and A water monitoring program includes measures to mitigate identified risks to water qualityWater stewardship commitments to be proactively manages water quantity and quality. and quantity, and plans are in place to respond to any incidents. included in the new Environmental PolicyEngage with other water users and communities of interest in watershed-scale Relevant employees and contractors receive water management training. and rolled out to all employees and planning and governance of the watershed beyond the mine site. contractors The mine participates in watershed governance groups and engages with communities ofWatershed and catchment studiesSet water-related objectives to measure and report on performance. interest to understand how they are using water resources. completed, and stakeholders engaged toAn assessment is conducted of broader impacts to the watershed from the sites waterdiscuss resultsmanagement practices. Ongoing assessments of water supply,Water performance objectives are tracked and reported to both senior management and thetreatment and disposalpublic. 43'