b'Mandatory OHS training of the workforce occurs regularly withCentauruss new employees, contractors and visitors receivingsafety inductions upon arrival.We aim to educate, createawareness and build a safe culture within the organisation.Fortnightly OH&Spresentation to the Centaurus Niquel Team in Tucumrisks have been assessed, and additionalBiannual simulations of emergencyencompasses all injuries that do not cause training and/ or supervision is undertakensituations and annual training for thelost time, but restrict the worker from if necessary.Centaurus aims to continuallyemergency response team. performing their normal duties for any time improve safety culture and performance andThe Company tests the effectiveness of theseafter the accident)expects that the safety incentive programtraining programs and safety initiatives byTRIFRtotal reportable injury frequency introduced in 2020 will continue to producerecording and reporting health and safety performance across the business.By doingrate (LTIFR + RWIFR)the desired behaviours. so, we expect to see safety performance improvements year-on-year where proactiveGiven that comparative safety performance Training activities undertaken over the(lead indicator) actions taken are having adata for other exploration companies reporting year include: positive effect on the lag indicators though aand mineral resource industries are not Safety inductions for visitors going to JNP; reduction in the frequency rate of hazards andpublished for Brazil, Centaurus compares our incidents. performance with latest data for the Western OHS introductory training on the first dayThe parameters used to measure performanceAustralian exploration industry, as displayed for employees and contractors; are based on the number of incident/ Quarterly training on safe work proceduresinjuries per million hours worked on a rollingin the graph below. (SWP) for the eight safety risks that have the12-month basis and include:highest rate of incidents and accidents;Quarterly first-aid training; LTIFRlost time injury frequency rateRWIFRrestricted work injury frequency Biannual 4WD and defensive drivingrate (where restricted work injuries training;TRIFR & LTIFRFirst Aid SimulationTraining, JNP site23'